Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие причастия, определите их форму и функцию, переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. The Finance Minister paid close attention to unprofitability in the econ- omy revealing that about 24 000 enterprises operate at a loss. 2. Having been subjected to all the necessary tests the machine was ac- cepted to serial production. 3. Having made an investment they expected to obtain a good profit. 4. The major need not being met today is the need for a common inter- national approach to the regulation of international civil aviation service. 5. When properly operated such facilities can transport more people than individual automobiles. 6. Ideas discussed included ways to assist this country with the neces- sary equipment.

Asherok Asherok    1   16.10.2020 07:32    6

AlinaRoz AlinaRoz  15.11.2020 07:33

ответ:1 2 5


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