Перепишите следующие предложения. подчеркните participle i и participle ii и установите функции каждого из них, то есть укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола сказуемого. переведите предложения на язык.
1. the section of glazed vessels is especially significant. 2. during the civil war this house was occupied by a commitee help- ing to wounded and diseased soldiers of the white army. 3. the main decorative feature was a fireplace having an arched aperture covered with a grille. 4. the most spectacular part of the collection devoted to natural history is its zoological section. 5. a characteris- tic feature of merchant life was that interiors were crammed with things.

Евгеша200111 Евгеша200111    2   06.11.2019 14:13    9

vershynska vershynska  09.01.2024 19:48
1. The section of glazed vessels is especially significant.
Participle I: glazed
Function: It functions as an adjective and acts as an attribute to the noun "vessels", describing the vessels as being glazed.
Participle II: None
Translation: Этот раздел глазурованных сосудов особенно значим.

2. During the civil war, this house was occupied by a committee helping wounded and diseased soldiers of the White Army.
Participle I: helping
Function: It functions as an adjective and acts as an attribute to the noun "committee", describing the committee as providing help to the soldiers.
Participle II: None
Translation: Во время гражданской войны в этом доме проживала комиссия, помогающая раненым и больным солдатам Белой Армии.

3. The main decorative feature was a fireplace having an arched aperture covered with a grille.
Participle I: having, covered
Function: Both participles function as adjectives and act as attributes to the noun "fireplace", describing the fireplace as possessing certain characteristics (an arched aperture, covered with a grille).
Participle II: None
Translation: Основной декоративной особенностью был камин с дуговым отверстием, покрытым решеткой.

4. The most spectacular part of the collection devoted to natural history is its zoological section.
Participle I: devoted
Function: It functions as an adjective and acts as an attribute to the noun "part", describing the part as dedicated to natural history.
Participle II: None
Translation: Самая впечатляющая часть коллекции, посвященная природоведению, является зоологическим разделом.

5. A characteristic feature of merchant life was that interiors were crammed with things.
Participle I: crammed
Function: It functions as an adjective and acts as an attribute to the noun "interiors", describing the interiors as being filled or packed with things.
Participle II: None
Translation: Характерной особенностью торговой жизни было то, что интерьеры были забиты вещами.
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