Перепишите следующие предложения, определите временную форму и залог глагола, указывая его инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык. The work completed by this team deserved high praise. 2. It will be very' pleasant to spend Sunday out of town 3. When the doctor had fallen ill the doctor was sent for. 4. He is translating an interesting part of that technical article. 5.The train to London leaves at eight, doesn't it?
1.The work completed by this team deserved high praise.
completed by-Past Simple,active
Работа, проделанная этой командой, заслуживала высокой оценки.
2. It will be very' pleasant to spend Sunday out of town
will be-Future Simple,active
Будет очень приятно провести воскресенье за городом
3. When the doctor had fallen ill the doctor was sent for.
had fallen-Past Perfect ,active
Когда доктор заболел, за ним послали.
4. He is translating an interesting part of that technical article.
is translating-Present Continuous,Active
Он переводит интересную часть этой технической статьи.
5.The train to London leaves at eight, doesn't it?
leaves-Present Simple
Поезд в Лондон отправляется в восемь, не так ли?