Перепишите предложения, составив вопросы с глаголом-связкой to be в present simple, past simple, future simple.
1. you / a student / are?
3. what / your / e-mail address / is?
4. old / how / are / your / parents?
6. where / yesterday / your chief executive / was / evening?
7. were / expensive / these magazines?
8. a / you / will / programmer / be?

tarassedelniko tarassedelniko    3   10.01.2020 03:04    1

svetakurilova1 svetakurilova1  11.10.2020 00:10
1.Are you a student?
3.What is your e-mail address?
4.How old are your parents?
6. Where was your chief executive yesterday evening?
7. Were these magazines expensive?
8.Will you be a programmer?
moscow1506 moscow1506  11.10.2020 00:10

1) Are you a student?

3) What is your e-mail address?

4) How old are your parents?

6) Where was your chief executive yesterday evening?

7) Were these magazines expensive?

8) Will you be a programmer?

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