Перепишите отрывок из романа Р. Л. Стивенсона «Остров сокровищ» полностью, заменив прямую речь на кос-венную (не забудьте про сдвиг времен!)

‘Stop him!’ I said. ‘Stop him! It’s Black Dog!’ ‘Harry,’ said Silver, ‘run and catch that man.’ A man got up and ran after Black Dog.

Long John Silver turned to me. “Who was that man?’ he asked. ‘Black what?’

‘Dog, sir,’ I said. ‘He’s a pirate.’

‘A pirate!’ said Silver. ‘Ben, run and help Harry. You can catch him!’

But Ben and Harry came back without Black Dog. ‘We lost him,’ they said.

‘Well, what is Mr Trelawney going to think?’ said Silver. ‘You know, Jim, we did try to catch him. And nobody in the inn knew that he was the pirate Black Dog. Now, Jim, come with me. We’re going to see Mr Trelawney.

svetasvetlana7 svetasvetlana7    3   14.05.2020 21:50    11

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