перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения. 1. some of us agree with the statement. 2. i did not see any change in his life. 3. nobody can help him under the circumstances. 4. something prevented him from coming. № 2. выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения. 1. he found the work (easy, easier, the easiest) than he had expected. 2. she was (active, more active, the most active) of us. 3. he felt (bad, worse, the worst) yesterday than the day before. 4. when he had left paris it was as (cold, colder, the coldest) as in winter there. № 3. выберите нужную форму глагола tobe. перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. 1. she (is, was, will be) at the lecture now. 2. last winter (is, was, will be) cold. 3. we (are, were, will be) free yesterday. 4. i (am, was, will be) at home tomorrow. № 4. вставьте there’s или it’s. перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. 1. … a beautiful garden near the house. 2. where is the cat? … under the sofa. 3. … no theatre in that small town. 4. … hottoday. № 5. перепишите предложения, переведите их на язык. поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. 1. . 2. the students had five examinations. 3. i will know the result in a day. № 6. поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп simple (indefinite) или continuous. перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. 1. we (drink) coffeeeverymorning. 2. while i (wait) for an answer, a knock came at the door. 3. they (have) dinner now. 4. he (come) to see me the day before yesterday. № 7. поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена групп perfect или perfectcontinuous. перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. 1. i seethesnow (stop). 2. his wife was not in. she (go) out a half an hour before. 3. i suppose i (read) the book by that time. 4. tell me what you (do) in my absence. № 8. перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. выпишите из каждого глагол – сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. . 1. we stayed in the garden for a long time. 2. she had finished packing by three o’clock. 3. public opinion is changing. 4. i shall come along as often as possible. 5. jerry has been discussing it with her this evening. 6. he will be asking me the same question tomorrow. № 9. перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. . 1. you can go to st. petersburg by train or by plane. 2. you should take a taxi if you don’t want to be late. 3. every engineer must know at least one foreign language. 4. he may go away now. i shall finish the work myself.

дана396 дана396    3   09.06.2019 04:30    47

Asuamasya Asuamasya  08.07.2020 01:32

Task 1

1. Some of us agree with the statement.  - Некоторые из нас согласны с утверждением.

2. I did not see any change in his life.  - Я не видел никаких изменений в его жизни.

3. Nobody can help him under the circumstances.

4. Something prevented him from coming. - Что-то помешало ему прийти.

Task 2

1. He found the work easier than he had expected.  - Работа оказалась легче, чем он ожидал.

2. She was the most active of us.  - Она была самой активной из нас.

3. He felt worse yesterday than the day before.  - Вчера он чувствовал себя хуже, чем позавчера.

4. When he had left Paris it was as cold as in winter there. - Когда он уехал из Парижа, там было так же холодно, как зимой.

Task 3

1. She is at the lecture now.  - Она сейчас на лекции.

зима была холодной.

3. We were free yesterday.  - Вчера мы были свободны.

4. I will be at home tomorrow. - Завтра я буду дома.

Task 4

1. There's a beautiful garden near the house.  - Рядом с домом находится красивый сад.

2. Where is the cat? It's under the sofa. - Где кот/кошка? Он/она под диваном.

3. There's no theatre in that small town.  - В том маленьком городе нет театра.

4. It's hot today. - Сегодня жарко.

Task 5

1. + In England the traffic keeps to the left.  - В Англии левостороннее движение.

? Does the traffic in England keep to the left? - В Англии левостороннее движение?

- In England the traffic doesn't keep to the left. - В Англии не левостороннее движение.

2. + The students had five examinations.  - У студентов было пять экзаменов.

? Did the students have five examinations? - У студентов было пять экзаменов?

- The students didn't have five examonations. - У студентов не было пять экзаменов.

3. + I will know the result in a day. - Я узнаю результат через день.

? Will I know the result in a day? - Я узнаю результат через день?

- I won't (=will not) know the result in a day. - Я не узнаю результат через день.

Task 6

1. We drink coffee every morning.  - Present Simple. - Мы пьем кофе каждый день.

2. While I was waiting for an answer, a knock came at the door.  - Past Conrinuous. - Пока я ждал ответ, в дверь постучали.

3. They are having dinner now.  - Present Continuous. - Сейчас они ужинают.

4. He came to see me the day before yesterday. - Past Simple. - Он приходил ко мне позавчера.

Task 7

1. I see the snow has stopped. - Present Perfect. - Вижу, что снег прекратился.

2. His wife was not in. She had went out a half an hour before.  - Past Perfect. - Его жены не было. Она ушла полчаса назад.

3. I suppose I will have read the book by that time.  - Future Perfect. - Думаю, к тому времени я дочитаю книгу.

4. Tell me what you have been doing in my absence.  Present Perfect Continuous. - Расскажи, что ты делал, пока меня не было.

Task 8

1. We stayed in the garden for a long time.  - Мы долго находились в саду.

stayed (Past Simple Active) - to stay

2. She had finished packing by three o’clock.  - Она закончила собираться к трем часам.

had finished (Past Perfect Active) - to finish

3. Public opinion is changing.   Общественное мнение меняется.

is changing (Present Continuous Active) - to change

4. I shall come along as often as possible.  - Я буду приходить как можно чаще.

shall come along (Present Simple Active) - to come along (phrv)

5. Jerry has been discussing it with her this evening.  - Джерри обсуждал это с ней сегодня вечером.

has been discussing (Present Perfect Continuous Active) - to discuss

6. He will be asking me the same question tomorrow. - Завтра он будет задавать тот же вопрос.

will be asking (Future Continuous Active) - to ask

Task 9

1. You can go to St. Petersburg by train or by plane.  - Вы можете отправиться в Санкт-Петербург на поезде или самолете.

2. You should take a taxi if you don’t want to be late.  - Тебе следует взять такси, если ты не хочешь опоздать.

3. Every engineer must know at least one foreign language.  - Каждый инженер обязан знать по крайней мере один язык.

4. He may go away now. I shall finish the work myself. - Он может идти. Я закончу работу сам.

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