(Перепиши предложения в пассивном залоге. Обрати внимание на употребление модальных глаголов в пассивных конструкциях.)

Children may take their toys to the class.
Children’s toys
to the class.

1. Someone must warn them about the danger.
about the danger.

2. You should not leave the door unlocked.
The door

3. Mary must bring the letters today.
The letters
by Mary today.

4. The courier has to deliver the parcels today.
The parcels
by the courier today.

maksborovkov20oxdws5 maksborovkov20oxdws5    3   03.05.2020 12:40    18

vk2931416haker vk2931416haker  20.01.2024 12:42
1. They must be warned about the danger.
- Passive construction: They must be warned.
- Modals in passive construction: Must be

2. The door should not be left unlocked.
- Passive construction: The door should not be left.
- Modals in passive construction: Should be

3. The letters must be brought today by Mary.
- Passive construction: The letters must be brought by Mary.
- Modals in passive construction: Must be

4. The parcels have to be delivered today by the courier.
- Passive construction: The parcels have to be delivered by the courier.
- Modals in passive construction: Have to be
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