Переписать в пассивном залоге: 1.do they still build ships in scotland? 2.they're planning a big celebration to mark the end of millennium. 3. the police think that someone might have murdred him. 4.in some countries they are going to make soft drugs legal. найти и исправить ошибку: 1.i'll phone you as soon as i'll arrive. 2"i went to canada last year." "so do i" 3."what's the matter? " "i've just been saw road accident" 4.could you tell me how much does this costs?

otchygash2 otchygash2    1   01.07.2019 08:40    2

ket174 ket174  24.07.2020 18:26
1.Are  ships still built in Scotland?
2. A big celebration to mark the end of millennium are being planned.
3. The police think that he might have been murdred.
4.In some countries soft drugs are going to be made  legal.

Найти и исправить ошибку:
1.I'll phone you as soon as I arrive.
2"I went to Canada last year." "So did I"
3."What's the matter?" "I've just seen a road accident"
4.Could you tell me how much  this costs?
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