Перенисите прямую речь в косвенную The brain is without question the most important organ in our body. Without it, we
wouldn`t have senses such as touch, sight, or smell. But sadly, many people do not take care
of their brain’s health which can lead to long term problems.
DIET. Just like the body, the brain needs different kinds of food to stay healthy.
Here are some of the recommended foods health experts suggest we eat for a healthy brain:
Wholegrains (bread, pasta, cereals etc): Do you find it hard to concentrate? Then, you may
need to include more wholegrains in your diet. They release glucose, a special kind of sugar,
slowly into the bloodstream which help us to stay focused throughout the day.
Oily fish (salmon, sardines, trout etc): While not many people enjoy eating fish, it is high in
Omega – 3 fatty acids which help build brain and nerve cells.
Broccoli: Our brains can`t get enough of this vegetable. Broccoli contains vitamin K which
helps to strengthen our cognitive abilities and choline which has been liked to a better
Blueberries: What is particularly amazing about them is that they help to delay short term
memory loss as well as improve the communication between brain cells.Dark chocolate: Scientists have discovered that not all chocolate is bad for us. Dark chocolate
in particular helps to improve blood flow to the brain. This in turn helps to increase the amount of memory,
our attention and reaction time.
PHYSICAL AND MENTAL EXERCISES. Exercise is an essential part of
maintaining a healthy body and mind. It promotes efficient blood circulation in our brain and
helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. Medical professionals
We recommend that you engage in activities such as walking or swimming. In addition to physical exercise, our
brains also need to be stimulated by various complex activities to keep fit. For
example, we can play games, learn a new language, or even take musical instrument lessons.
By doing this, we train our brain and stimulate the formation of new neural connections.
SLEEP. Most of us sleep much less than we should. Studies have shown that when
we don't get enough sleep, it can cause problems with our mental abilities, such as making
decisions, solving problems, controlling our emotions and behavior, learning.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, we should all get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. And a good
night's sleep will make the right decisions and stay alert throughout the day. We will also do this
to have better problem-solving skills and be able to learn new things much more easily.

Tumka2003 Tumka2003    1   07.03.2021 08:37    5

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