Перекладите на анг ! моя тетя самая лучшая у нее самый лучший характер на свете! она добрая и позитивная, ее зовут инна, она работает парфумером а также продает по интернету, читает много книг, и интересуется журналами, мы с ней хорошо проводим время вместе. но она не любит музыку. люблю свою тетю.
My aunt is the best she has the best character in the world! She is very kind and positive, her name is Inna, she works as a perfumer and also sells on the Internet, reads a lot of books, and is interested in magazines, we have a very good time together. But she does not like music. I love my aunt.
My aunt is the best, she has got the best nature. She is very kind and positive, and her name is Inna. She works as a parfumer, she sells her products in the internet. She reads lots of books and magazines, andd she doesn`t like music. We spend good time with each other. I love my aunt.