Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя модальный глагол need. например: 1) it is not necessary to go there. you need not go there. 2) it was not necessary to go there. you need not have gone there. 1. it is not necessary to take the 8 pm (train) to london. аlater train will do as well. 2. there was nо necessity for her to do it herself. 3. there is nо reason for you to worry: he is as strong as а horse. 4. there is nо need for you to be present. 5. is it any use our going into all that now? заранее большое : d
1. You don't need to take the 8 pm (train) to London. Аlater train will do as well.
2. Shr didn't need to do it herself.
3. You don't need to worry: he is as strong as а horse.
4. You don't need to be present.
5. do we need to going into all that now? (непонятное предложение какое-то)