Перефразируйте предложения, заменив действительный на страдательный залог.

1. Law is a subject which the Greeks themselves never treated as a science.
2. Rome had developed a very sophisticated legal system and a refined legal culture.

3. The literary and practical achievements of the jurists of this period gave Roman law its unique shape.

4. When the centre of the Empire moved to the Greek East in the 4th century, many legal concepts of Greek origin appeared in the official Roman legislation.

5. The students studied Roman law in Bologna.

6. In 1804, the French civil code came into force.

7. In the course of the 19th century, many European states adopted the French model.

8. Ulpian, a Roman jurist initially coined a phrase “The sovereign is not bound by the laws”.

9. By the common law, nobody can limit the power of the father to give his property to his children or to a stranger, in exclusion of the whole of them.

10. All members of Congress, delegates from territories, the vice-president of the United States, the secretary of the Senate, and the clerk of the House of Representatives are given the right to send and receive public documents free of postage.

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