Переделайте предложения в страдательный залог Будущего времени (Simple Future Passive)

Пример: Active – Rita will write a letter.

Переделываем в Passive – A letter will be written by Rita.

1. Jane will buy a new computer. -

2. Millions of people will visit the museum. -

3. You will not do it. -

4. They will not show the new film. -

5. They will not ask him. -

6. Will the company employ a new worker?

alkasalamatina alkasalamatina    2   28.04.2020 09:47    5

Marinkasmirnova Marinkasmirnova  14.10.2020 00:08

1. A new computer will be bought by Jane.

2. The museum will be visited by millions of people.

3. It will not be done by you.

4. The new filmy will not be shown.

5. He will not be asked.

6. Will a new worker be employed by the company?

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