Past Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях 1.I (to make) a mistake. 2.We (to break) the rules. 3.Denise (to share) her Birthday photos. 4.People (not to like) the stranger. 5.I (to say) anything wrong? 6.your aunt (to watch) that movie yesterday? 7.You (not to promise) Danny to help. 8.She (to cut) a sheet of paper.

Djdjdhjx Djdjdhjx    1   16.03.2021 17:43    143

Арина7405 Арина7405  16.03.2021 17:50
I made a mistake.2We brake the rules.3 Denis shared her Birthday photos.4 People didn’t like the stranger.5 Did I say anything wrong?6Did your aunt watch that movie yesterday?7 You didn’t promise Danny to help.8She cut a sheet of paper
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