Past perfect. Past perfect continuous 1 I presented her the flowers, wich l ... (buy) in the morning. 2 She ... (to live) in this town for 5 years. 3 Mary ... (translate) the text by 4 o'clock. 4 He received a bad mark because he ... (make) a lot of mistakes. 5 I ... (write) my composition by the end off the lesson. 6 He ... (sleep) several hours before his parents woke him up. 7 My friend ... (play) chess for 5 years. 8 I enjoyed this film even thought I ... (to see) it before. 9 My friend ... (learn) Spanish for 5 years before he moved to Spain. 10 Pete ... (watch) TV all day before his friend invited him to go out.

SovaZ SovaZ    2   27.11.2021 09:46    42

global34523 global34523  03.01.2022 02:23

1 had bought

2 had been living

3 had translated

4 had made

5 had written

6 had been sleeping

7 had been playing

8 had seen

9 had been learning

10 had been watching


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