Пассивный залог one of them was my favourite mug. without it, neither tea nor soup tasted like at home. another thing was the warmth. the floor in my room at home with a thick carpet. cover then we refreshing drinks. i had some orange juice and closed my eyes offer "why do you need a job? " asked. you by mr. employ green only a week ago as far as i remember." the guests enjoyed the dinner and then liz brought in a cake. the cake with decorate chocolates and jellies, and it had as many candles as the number of years carlos had reached that day. its wing and the

ulyanahoroshina ulyanahoroshina    1   14.04.2019 14:48    11

GoshaLLL GoshaLLL  14.04.2019 16:00

ответ: exo entertaiment ok


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