Passive Voice Test Paper 1

renatamamarenata renatamamarenata    3   09.05.2020 23:31    2

karina847 karina847  14.10.2020 12:38

ответ:A. 1.makes 2.lets 3.let 4.made 5.doesn't let 6.didn't made .

B.1.Dad makes me to finish my homework first. 2.Mum makes me to tidy my room every Saturday. 3.Mum lets me have my phone when I'm done with dishes. 4. Dad doesn't let me to play any games before dinner.5.Mum doesn't make me go out with them if I don't want to.

C.1.I'm not allowed to walk into the teacher's room. 2.We are allowed to ring him whenever we want to. 3.She is not allowed to go out after 10 o'clock. 4. We are not allowed to feed the animals here. 5.They are allowed to come and see her whenever they want to.

D.1.My dad lets me to stay up late to watch the match. 2. He is not allowed to come home after dark. 3. My mum made us ring the bell when we arrive. 4. We are allowed to walk on the grass here. 5.Her mum didn't make her to tidy the room.

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