Пасха, день воскресения христова – самый главный праздник православной церкви. именно в нем заключается основной смысл православной веры - сам бог стал человеком, умер за нас и, воскреснув, избавил людей от власти смерти и греха. пасха – это праздник праздников! переведите нормально

Saniek34 Saniek34    3   13.07.2019 19:40    0

Hrachuk Hrachuk  07.09.2020 11:23
The most important Orthodox church's holiday is Easter, Day of Jesus Resurrection.  That's where is the main sense Of Orthodox faith - the God himself became a human, died for us, and, having been resurrected, saved people from power of death and sin. Easter is a holiday of holidays. 
Никита0088 Никита0088  07.09.2020 11:23
Easter -the day of  christ's resurrection it is the most important holiday of the orthodox  church 
it constitutes  the basic mearning of the orthodox faith-god himself became men ,died for us,and having been resurrected ,saved people  from power  of death  and sin,easter is a holiday of the holidays
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