cryptids, legends, evidence, pastime, study, science.

means Cryptozoology, the
which literally 1) of hidden animals, refers to the search for animals whose 2) XS hasn't been proven. Cryptozoology includes looking for 3) examples of animals that are considered 4) (e.g. dinosaurs), as
well as animals whose existence lacks physical 5) but which appear in myths and legends (e.g. Bigfoot; the Loch Ness Monster). The animals that cryptozoologists study are referred to as '6) Cryptozoologists rely heavily on alleged 7)...accounts and popular 8) It goes without saying that
cryptozoology is not a recognised branch of zoology or a discipline of 9) It is, however, a very fun 10) ​

isadulla isadulla    2   01.03.2021 16:32    57

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