- Английский язык
- Пацаны и девочки нужно сделать,
Пацаны и девочки нужно сделать,

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1. The Andes are the mountains in the South America
2. London is the capital of the United Kingdom
3. Lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world
4. Saint-Petersburg is the cultural capital of the Russian Federation
5. The channel between England and France is called the English Canal
6. The Lena leads to the Arctic Ocean
7. Ann had to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get from Europe to Argentine
8. Mont Blanc is the mountain in Europe between France and Italy
9. The Urals are very old mountains
10. The Bahamas are a group of islands near Florida
2)1. Do you sometimes watch TV in the mornings?
2. Are you usually at home at 7 o`clock in the evenings?
3. Do you sometimes work at night?
4. What do you usually do at weekends? (at weekends in British English, on weekends in American English)
5. Her aunt lives in California
6. Goodbye! See you on Monday
7. His parents work in a bank
8. The cinema is on the left
9. This shop does not work at night
10. It`s very hot in summer