Підготуйте розповідь про свою родину,в якій ви маєте описати себе та членів вашоі родини:зовнішність,зріст,в чому одягнені. Написати на англійській мові!

chern8p08uo0 chern8p08uo0    1   31.05.2023 20:09    2

kryganavika2006 kryganavika2006  31.05.2023 20:10

Sure! Here's a description of my family, including myself and the members' appearances, height, and clothing:

In my family, there are four members: my parents, my younger brother, and myself. Let me begin by describing myself. I have medium-length brown hair and hazel eyes. I stand at around 5 feet 8 inches tall. Today, I'm wearing a comfortable blue T-shirt, paired with jeans and sneakers.

Moving on to my parents, my mother has long, wavy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She is of average height, around 5 feet 6 inches tall. She has a graceful sense of style and is currently dressed in a flowing floral dress and sandals.

My father, on the other hand, has short, salt-and-pepper hair and brown eyes. He is slightly taller than me, standing at approximately 6 feet tall. He prefers a more casual look and is currently wearing a polo shirt, khaki pants, and loafers.

Lastly, my younger brother, who is still in high school, has curly brown hair and green eyes. He is a bit shorter than me, around 5 feet 6 inches tall. Today, he's sporting a graphic T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers, reflecting his laid-back style.

As a family, we value both comfort and individuality in our fashion choices. We each have our unique tastes, but we enjoy spending time together and appreciate the diverse qualities that make our family special.

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