Озаглавить текст: а) united states b) spain c) australia it’s 3 a.m. in the city gym, and men and women are bending, stretching, running, and lifting weights. the city gym has 5000 members and it never closes. you might think from this that this is a nation of slim and super-fit people. certainly the country has a reputation for sport and healthy outdoor living. but the truth is rather different, according to one health expert. gymnasiums are full of the lycra and leotard brigade- mostly single young people, he says. in fact, about one in three men is a sedentary slob with a beer belly. but people certainly know what they should do for a healthy lifestyle. the government spends about $240 million a year on education in health and fitness. that’s $14 for every man, woman, and child.

ОффниКим ОффниКим    1   07.09.2019 03:00    0

melnikowapolia melnikowapolia  06.10.2020 22:17
United States более подходит к этому тексту
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