Over and under Look at these mini-dialogues and complete each one with a word from the box. These words all indude over or under. The first one has been done as an example for you. One word can be used twice.
overhaul overheads /overstaffed overpaid
overqualified overrated overrule overrun overtime overturn
overworked underachiever undermanned undermine
understanding understudy undertaking underutilised
A. The directors think that our staff are _underworked
B. Well, they are at the moment, but that's because demand for our products is so low.
A. The workers have the time limit set by the production manager.
B. That's not good. They shouldn't go beyond the limits that set for them.
A. We're rather
at the moment
B. Right. And unless the market improves, we might need to lay off some of our casual workers.
A. Do you think our staff are
B. No, I don't. They work very hard for the money they receive.
A. Everyone says that Elizabeth works hard, but in my opinion she's a bit of an
B. I agree. She doesn't do as much as she is capable.
A. I'm learning how to do the production manager's job in case he needs to take some extended
time off.
B. Oh, I thought you were the
for the accounts manager.
A. Does this business make a lot of money?
B. Yes, it's a very profitable
A. Robert has a degree in business studies, doesn't he?
B. Yes, so he's rather
to be an ordinary shop floor worker.
A. Our sales revenue covers the manufacturing costs, but not the day-to-day running costs of the
B. Right. We need to make sure we have enough to cover our
A. Our staff are always complaining that they're
B. I don't know why. They get plenty of breaks, and most of them dock off before three o'dock

Саня3411 Саня3411    2   22.04.2021 12:48    9

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