Our love for nature, has its roots, it offers life, it offers fruits. not just beauty, it's way beyond, a peaceful lake or just a pond. our love for nature, keeps us close, rocks erode, as the river flows. from a hilltop, to the sea, towards the sky, grows a tree. our love for nature, gives us peace, seasons change, flying geese. nature shall thrive, if we combine, your love for it, along with mine напишите буквами
[ˈaʊə lʌv fɔː ˈneɪʧə hæz ɪts ruːts,
ɪt ˈɒfəz laɪf, ɪt ˈɒfəz fruːts.
nɒt ʤʌst ˈbjuːti, ɪts weɪ bɪˈjɒnd,
ə ˈpiːsfʊl leɪk ɔː ʤʌst ə pɒnd ].
[ˈaʊə lʌv fɔː ˈneɪʧə kiːps ʌs kləʊs,
rɒks ɪˈrəʊd, æz ðə ˈrɪvə fləʊz.
frɒm ə ˈhɪltɒp tuː ðə siː,
tə ˈwɔːdz ðə skaɪ, grəʊz ə triː ].
[ˈaʊə lʌv fɔː ˈneɪʧə gɪvz ʌs piːs,
ˈsiːznz ʧeɪnʤ ˈflaɪɪŋ giːs.
ˈneɪʧə ʃæl θraɪv ɪf wiː ˈkɒmbaɪn,
jɔː lʌv fɔːr ɪt, əˈlɒŋ wɪð maɪn]