Our Countryside On the Farm! Reading 1 Read the texts and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C I love living on a farm. My day starts very carly I wake up at a quarter to five, I get ready and then I start my work. First I give the animals their food then I milk the cows. After that, I visit the chickens to collect the eggs. I'm back at the house at hall past eight. I have breakfast and do some work in the house, then I sleep for an hour after lunch. That's my favourite time of the day, I think! This person.. alikes to sleep in the afternoon. B doesn't like farm life. C only does two different jobs. I love it when children come to the farm. They have a great time with the animals! We've got many different kinds. We've got horses, goats, ducks, sheep, ponies, cows and calves, 'The children love to stroke the ponies and watch the calves. But the great thing about having children on the farm is that they learn how farms work. That's what I really love! 2 This person... A hasn't got baby animals on the farm B has got chickens on the farm likes children to learn about the form I live in the city and I like it, but I really like visiting farms. Life there is very nice. It's very noisy in the city, so it's great to go to a farm an hear only the sounds of animals. My favourite sound is the sound of ducks. They make very funny noises! I also like the sounds that horse and cows make. You don't hear these sounds the city at all, only cars and people. It's nice to something different for a change! 3 This person... A doesn't like city life at all. B thinks horses make funny noises. o likes the sounds that ducks make. My friend Ted lives on a farm. I go there at the weekends to have lunch sometimes. His mum cooks great food. She uses the fruit and veget that they've grown on their farm. After we hay lunch, we ride the horses in the fields. That's favourite thing to do. Ted's got three really nice horses. They're good fun to ride. It's nice to live a farm like that! 4 This person... A lives on a farm B has got a horse Clikes to ride horses. My family and I live in a small town and there are many farms around us. They've got different animals on the farms, One farm has got many Cows so they sell milk. Another farm has got lot of chickens so they sell eggs. My mum and dadp to these farms to get milk and eggs because the really good. I'm glad I don't live on a farm becam It's a lot of work, but it's nice to live close to them 5 This person... A visits farms in his town B likes food from farms. C thinks farm life is easy,