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This text deals with a person who…
1) likes exotic food.
2) is a student.
3) dislikes city transport.
4) feels in England at home.
5) doesn’t say anything about his job.
6) enjoys free museums.
The new Londoners
A) I was born in India and then lived in many different parts of England. I moved
to London fourteen years ago and I feel more at home in London than in any
other place. What I like about London is that it is a multicultural place. The
fact that I am from another country doesn’t mean that I have to forget my
own culture. Ethnic festivals, markets, centers are as much part of London as
Big Ben and the Tower of London.
B) I came to London from Australia to study. London is great! It has got
everything: nice shopping centers, convenient eating-places, beautiful and
elegant architecture. But above all, I like the people there, who are ready to
C) I moved to London from Canada ten years ago because I got a job at one of the
London universities. I love this city because I enjoy the theatre, cinema,
concerts, not to mention restaurants with food all over the world. It’s a pity
that people move in and out of the city a lot. You make new friends all the
time, but also “lose” friends all the time as well.
D) I am a businessman from Poland. My favorite thing about London is that
museums (not all but most of them) are free, so you can see one work of art if
you like and you don’t have to pay for expensive tickets.
E) I am Greek and I’m a travel agent. My offi ce is far from the place where I live,
so what I most dislike about London is that the underground does not operate
during the night. This means that when I am coming back late from my work,
I have to take a bus, so it takes a lot of time to get home. I can’t move to
another fl at because of the high cost of living.
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What’s his life worth?
Robert Burns loved people and wrote about A. One day when he was
walking near the sea, he heard a cry for help. He ran to that place. At that time a
sailor jumped off a boat and began to swim towards the man who was calling for
help and saved him. The man who B was a rich merchant. When he came
to himself he thanked the brave sailor and gave him a shilling. By this time a
C people were standing round them. They called the sailor a hero and
protested D when the rich man gave him only a shilling. But Burns stopped
them and said, “Don’t cry! Of course, the gentleman knows E what his life is
A 1) they 2) their 3) theirs 4) them
B 1) saved 2) was saved 3) saves 4) is saved
C 1) many 2) much 3) lot 4) little
D 1) loudest 2) louder 3) loudly 4) loud
E 1) bad 2) good 3) worse 4) better
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St Nicholas: the fi rst Santa
St Nicholas lived nearly 700 years A in Myra, in Asia,
and he was a bishop. He was rich, but he was a good man and
he used all his money to help poor people.
One day, Nicholas heard that a poor man had to sell his three
pretty B. That night, Nicholas put three bags of
gold through the man’s open door. The girls were now safe.
Another time, Nicholas threw some gold coins down a
chimney at midnight. The coins fell into a shoe, which
C near the fi re.
Nicholas didn’t tell people what he was doing. But after he
died, people learned his secret. It became the custom to give
presents on D special day — 6 December. It was said
that the presents came from St Nicholas. In some countries of
Europe, people continue to E their gifts on
6 December.
1. his
2. daughters
3. give
4. ago
5. stood
6. last
7. take