ответьте на вопросы по тексту did you know that the largest animal that ever lived on earth? this is a blue whale. people do not know about these animals. here are some interesting facts about them. a blue whale can be 30 metres long. it's like two buses. the blue whale weighs 200,000 pounds. (15 buses or 8 aircraft). whale s tongue weighs like an elephant. 100 people can sit on such a tougue; . overall has a very loud voice, louder than the plane. so, blue whales looking to talk to each other at a distance of 1500 kilometers! a blue whale eats 4000 kg of plankton which is its favorite food. everyone knows that the blue whale can reach three-storey building. the blue whale can swim as fast as 48 kilometers per hour! a blue whale baby weighs 3,000 kulos and a length of 8 meters. when the child grows up, he drinks 400 litres of its mother's milk and gets 100 pounds heavier and 4 cm longer every day. the blue whale can live for 90 years. blue whale looking dive to 500 meters and stay there for 20 minutes вопросы 1) a blue whale eats 4,000 kilograms of plankton. 2) a blue whale s tongue weighs as much as a kangaroo. 3)blue whales cfn talk to each other across a distance of 30,000 kilometres. 4) a blue whale weighs as much as 8 buses and 15 planes. 5) one hundred people cfn sit a blue whale s tongue. 6) a blue whale cfn swim as fast as 60 kilometres per hour. 7) a blue whale cfn be 30 metres long. 8) blue whales live lonher than 90 years. 9) when a blue whale baby grows it drinks 100 litres of its mother s milk every. 10) a blue whele cfn stay under the water for 20 minutes. 110 a blue whale baby weighs 3 tons

Milena200516 Milena200516    3   27.08.2019 01:10    3

Катя709015 Катя709015  05.10.2020 21:54