ответьте на вопросы грамотно! 25 1.if you had a family of your own how big would you like this family to be? members of how many generations should a family include? how many children should there be in a modern family? 2. how much do you know about your ancestors? would you like to know more? why? 3. can you give an example of a really happy family? what makes this family happy? 4. do you believe in love at first sight? do you know anybody who fell in love at first sight? for how long were they happy? 5. many sociologists believe that romantic love leads to unrealistic expectations and a divorce. do you think a marriage of conveniece has more stability than a marriage of love? 6. the number of divorces all over the world tends to increase. do you think the reasons are mainly economic or social? is a divorce a blessing or an evil? 7. divorces and marriages often make children suffer. how can adults make this situation easier for the children? do you know any family where this problem has been successfully solved? how was it solved? 8. do you think the ability to be a good parent comes naturally or should people be taught certain rules? what rules? 9. what does it mean to be a good son or a good daughter? what are the reasons for most of the conflicts between parents and their teenager children? how can they be avoided? 10. do marriages have any future or are they becoming a social institution of the past? why do a lot of young people prefer not to marry but just live together? what arguments can you give for and against it?