ответить только на mass media mass media (that is the press, the radio and television) plays an important role in the life of society. they inform, educate and entertain people. they also influence the way people look at the events and sometimes make them change their views. millions of people watch tv and read newspapers in their spare time. people listen to the radio while driving а саг. on the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions of current events. lots of radio or tv games and films attract large audience. newspapers give more detailed reviews of political life, culture and sports. basically they are read by the people who are subscribers and those who are interested in politics. there is a lot of advertising in mass media. many tv channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. the owners can advertise what ever they choose. but we cannot say that mass media do not try to raise the cultural level of people or to develop their tastes. mass media bring to millions of homes not only entertaiment and news but also cultural and educational programs. there is a great number of tv, cable tv and satellite tv channels and lots of radio stations and newspapers now. вопросы; 1. what is mass media? 2. how does mass media influence people? 3. what is the difference between radio and tv programmes? 4. does the audience of tv and radio differ? 5. do you think that advertising is useful?

mr7ka mr7ka    2   25.05.2019 02:50    29

kattikat555 kattikat555  21.06.2020 02:47
1. What is mass media? 
-Mass media that is the press, the radio and television.
2. How does mass media influence people?
- They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the 
way people look at the events and sometimes make them change their views. 
3. What is the difference between radio and TV programmes? 
-I can't say that there is a great difference.On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions of current events. But you can do just the same while watching TV.
4. Does the audience of TV and radio differ? 
-There is no such information in the text, but as I personally think, it doesn't.
5. Do you think that advertising is useful?
-Of course, it is. It is very useful. It informs the audience of the existence of some products and it helps to choose the best item.
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