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what common features do all cultures have?
what does the term «culture» mean?
what different features do all cultures have?

culture is a term, which is used by social scientists for a people’s whole way of life. in its narrow meaning, culture is activities in such fields as art, literature, and music. social consider that a people's culture consists of all ideas, objects, and ways how people create things. culture includes arts, beliefs, customs, inventions, language, technology, and traditions. the term "civilization" is similar, but it refers mostly to scientifically more advanced ways of life. a culture is any way of life, simple or complex.

all cultures have features that result from basic needs, which are shared by all people. every culture has methods of obtain­ing food and shelter. there is also a way to keep order: a system of police, courts, and prisons. every culture has ways to protect itself against invaders. it also has family relationships, religious beliefs. all societies have forms of artistic expression, such as painting, music, etc. in addition, each culture has some type

cultures differ in their details from one part of the world to another. for example, eating is a biological need. but what peo­ple eat, when and how they eat, and how food is prepared dif­fer from culture to culture. people do not realize how greatly culture influences their behaviour until they come across other ways of doing things. people feel most comfortable within their own culture, and they prefer the company of others who share their culture. when people have to deal with persons of anoth­er culture, even small differences in behaviour may make them uneasy.

Milkapilka11 Milkapilka11    3   04.02.2020 21:51    37

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