ответить на вопросы на о животном the guinea pig 2)when did people begin to use this animal? 3)how(what for) did people use this animal? 4)what has changed in the course of time? 5)how is the animal used now?

winchester24 winchester24    3   19.05.2019 12:10    0

kivialisalittlee kivialisalittlee  12.06.2020 16:14

2) Guinea pigs have been domesticated as early as 9 - 4th millennium BC. e.

3) American Indians first sacrificed to their god of the sun, and then began to grow as small livestock, eating their meat for food. And so far, they Ant bred guinea pigs for human consumption.

4) Previously, black guinea pigs were killed immediately after they were born, and now the most popular black pigs

5) They are bred just for beauty

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