- Английский язык
- ответе на первое задание написав
ответе на первое задание написав номер и букву а второе письмено!
1. Choose the correct answer
1 When did Henri’s parents go to bed?
A at 10 o’clock
B between 10 and 2
C at 2 o’clock
2 Which of these things happened first?
A Henri’s friend messaged him.
B Henri went to bed.
C Henri checked his Facebook page.
3 Henri first went to sleep at
A 10 o’clock.
B 2 o’clock.
C 3 o’clock.
4 How much sleep do children need?
A eight hours
B nine hours
C twelve hours
5 Polly says that
A hormones do different things to you.
B hormones help you to stay awake.
C hormones make you feel sleepy.
6 Why should Henri talk to his friend?
A to blame him for feeling tired.
B to organise when to play games.
C to tell him to get more sleep.
7 Polly says that Henri should
A only play games for one hour a day.
B only play games downstairs.
C stop playing online games.
2. Give answers to the questions
1 Was Henry sleeping at 2am?
2 How many hours do teenagers need to sleep?
3 What is a big part of the problem of bad sleeping?
4 What makes your brain think it’s a daytime?
5 How many hours can you play online games at the most?