ответ отмечу ! сочинение-письмо ваш друг собирается навестить вас во время праздников. напишите на электронную почту одному из ваших одноклассников и спросите какие бы достопримечательности он посоветовал бы посмотреть вашему другу.

66y5tnvjoxr5x7 66y5tnvjoxr5x7    2   27.07.2019 01:20    3

Margaryaanmag Margaryaanmag  25.09.2020 07:59
Dear Olga, ( можно использовать любое другое имя или просто friend)
How are you? I hope you are ok.  We have a great time last weekends, is not it? Well, as you know, i invited to me my friend Jenny, who lives in France.  Today i got a letter from her and she said that she is going to come in Moscow on summer holidays. I was so happy, when knew that! So, i would  like to ask you, what are sights really should  visited? Moscow is buatiful  and very big city, but  the matter is that she will come only one week. Of course,  we should be attend a Red Square. What would you advise in this situation? I really hope for your help! So, i had better go now as i  have got loads of homework to do. Teke care and  answer as soon as possible! 
All tte best,
Твое имя( Например, Alexs)
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