ответь на вопросы к тексту: 1. what’s the name of the frog? a) chat b) flop c) polly 2. where does the frog live? a) in a forest b) in a pound c) in a lake 3. how many friends has flop got? a) seven b) two c) three 4. when does flop do exercises? a) at five o’clock b) at seven o’clock c) at two o’clock 5. what does flop like to do? a) play football b) play leap-frog c) play hide-and-seek

MarkKofe1000 MarkKofe1000    2   25.09.2019 16:50    7

basievtamik basievtamik  08.10.2020 18:53
Эммм.. Окей как мы узнаем как его звали? Ведь мы не знаем текста самого
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