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Моя любимая картина - " Утро в сосновом лесу "( "Три медведя" )
Эта картина знакома многим. Написана она в 1839 году. Её автор, известный пейзажист Иван Шишкин, а также Константин Савицкий. Шишкин нарисовал утренний лес, а медведи были нарисованы его другом.
Купили эту картину за 4000 рублей.
Мне понравилась картина за то, что действительно утренний лес изображён так мастерски, что кажется, будто, мы сами находимся в лесной чаще.​

Примари Примари    3   05.03.2020 07:15    8

катяeryixs катяeryixs  05.03.2020 08:03

ответ: My favorite painting is “Morning in a Pine Forest” (“Three Bears”). This picture is familiar to many. It was written in 1839. It's author, the famous landscape painter Ivan Shishkin, as well as Konstantin Savitsky. Shishkin painted the morning forest, and the bears were painted by his friend.

We bought this picture for 4000 rubles. I liked the picture because the really morning forest is depicted so masterfully that it seems as though we ourselves are in the forest more often.

kseniawkk kseniawkk  05.03.2020 08:03

My favorite painting is “Morning in a Pine Forest” (“Three Bears”)

This picture is familiar to many. It was written in 1839. Its author, the famous landscape painter Ivan Shishkin, as well as Konstantin Savitsky. Shishkin painted the morning forest, and the bears were painted by his friend.

We bought this picture for 4000 rubles.

I liked the picture because the really morning forest is depicted so masterfully that it seems as though we ourselves are in the forest more often.


Да ,мы это тоже делали у меня в тетраде было вот написала из тетради.Но мы это делали в классе поэтому мы не списали ииз интернета.

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