Откройте скобки, чтобы закончить предложения, используя наречия времени из рамочки. Last Saturday Last month Yesterday evening Last Monday Yesterday Last Thursday Last Saturday, Clare played (play) tennis. 1. , it (be) my birthday. 2. , Jason (play) badminton with Henry. 3. , I (tidy) my room. 4. , we (watch) a play at the theatre. 5., Dad (call) Roger.

Откройте скобки, чтобы закончить предложения, используя наречия времени из рамочки. Last Saturday La

александр12342 александр12342    2   09.02.2022 10:03    97

крыска235 крыска235  18.01.2024 15:42
1. Last Saturday, it was my birthday.
Explanation: The adverb "last Saturday" indicates that the action happened on the past Saturday. "It" refers to the day being mentioned, which is the speaker's birthday.

2. Last month, Jason played badminton with Henry.
Explanation: The adverb "last month" indicates that the action took place in the month prior to the current one. "Jason played" indicates the past tense of the verb "play" and "with Henry" adds information about who he played with.

3. Yesterday evening, I tidied my room.
Explanation: The adverb "yesterday evening" shows that the action happened on the evening of the day before today. "I tidied" indicates the speaker's action of cleaning or organizing their room.

4. Last Monday, we watched a play at the theatre.
Explanation: The adverb "last Monday" specifies the day when the action occurred. "We watched" is the past tense of "watch" and "a play at the theatre" locates the action at a specific location.

5. Yesterday, Dad called Roger.
Explanation: The adverb "yesterday" indicates that the action happened on the day before today. "Dad called" implies that the speaker's father made a phone call to Roger.
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