ОТ 1. Complete the text with the missing sentences/( завершіть текст пропущеними реченнями
(вони є нижче), записуати тільки цифру і букву, переписувати текст не треба.)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) is situated off the north-west
coast of Europe. (1) . Their capitals are London, Edinburg, Cardiff and Belfast.
The UK is an island country. The 2 main islands are Great Britain (where England, Scotland and
Wales are situated) and Ireland. (2) . The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea.
The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The UK is
also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east.
The area of the UK is 244,100 square kilometres. The most important rivers are the Thames, the
Severn and the Clyde. (3) . There are mountains in the UK, but they are not very high.
The Grampian Mountains are a mountain range of central Scotland. (4) . Ben Nevis
(1343,8 m) is the highest peak.
The Pennines are a low-raising mountain range in northern England Scotland. (5)
There are the Cambrian Mountains in Wales.
More than 57 million people live in Britain. Many of them live in big industrial cities like London.
Manchester and Liverpool, for example, are big industrial cities in the centre of England. But
foreigners are often surprised by the fact that much of land in Britain is open country. (6)
The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack. It is made up of three crosses: the cross
of st.George (the patron saint of England), the cross of st.Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland) and
the cross of st.Patrick ( the patron saint of Ireland).
A. They are known as “backbone” of England.
B. It marks part of the border between Scotland and England.
C. It consists of four countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
D. There are many lonely hills, quiet rivers, deep lakes and just farmlands, especially in the south of
the country.
E. Northern Ireland and the independent Irish Republic are there.
F. There are many lakes around the UK.
G. It extends north-east to south-west and forms a natural barrier between the Highlands and the
2. Answer the questions.( дайте відповіді на запитання)
1) Where is the UK situated?

2) Why is the UK called an island country?

3) What do you know about rivers in Great Britain?

4) What do you know about mountains in Great Britain?

5) What is the Union jack made up?

3. Choose the correct pronouns to complete the sentences.(вибрати правильний варіант і
записати речення)
1) I went to the Bakers’ house this morning but there was nobody/ nothing/ no one at home.
2) The fridge is empty. We need to buy something/ anything/ everything for dinner tonight.
3) I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t have anybody/ anyone/ anything to say to him.
4) I left my wallet at home. Can somebody/ anybody/ something lend me a bit of money?
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.(розкрити дужки , використовуючи
певний час і активний чи пасивний стан)
1) The UK (to be located) in Europe.
2) The UK (to wash) by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the
North Sea in the east.
3) They (to take) many pictures of Ben Nevis during their
expedition to the mountains last year.
4) The flag of the UK (to know) as the Union Jack.
5. Write some sentences about visiting Ukraine. Include information about its geographical
peculiarities, population, interesting places.(написати 10 речень про відвідування України,
інформація має бути про її географічне положення, населення, цікаві місця)​

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