Осталось 10 мин 1) If I (be) you, I'd go to Chile this year.
2) If you had been more careful, you (hurt) yourself.
3)If they (come) earlier, we'd have gone out.
4)I wish I (not/take) their advice,I wouldn't be in trouble now.
5)I wish he (be) here. We'd go to the lake.
6)If I had more money,I (travel) the world.
7)If I (be) you,I(ask) for help.
8)If he had left earlier,he (catch) his flight.
9)If you had studied harder, you (not/fail) the exam.
10) I wish my tooth (not/hurt).
11)I wish I (to call) him earlier.
12)If only they (not/break) the cup.
13)I wish I (not/bite) by the mosquitoes.
14) I f only I (cut) the rope.
15) I wish I (know)Tom (be) in hospital.​

Flas003 Flas003    3   18.12.2020 07:57    1

moranikatya moranikatya  12.02.2021 20:36

If I were you, I'd go to China this year.

If you had been more careful, you weren't hurt yourself.

If they came earlier, we'd have gone out.

I wish I didn't take their advice, I wouldn't be in trouble now.

I wish he was here. We'd go to the lake.

If I had more money, I'd travel the world.

If I were you, I'd ask for help.

if he had left earlier, he'd catch his flight.

if you had studied harder, you wouldn't fail the exam.

I wish my tooth wouldn't hurt.

I wish I called him earlier.

If only they wouldn't break the cup.

I wish I wouldn't bite my mosquitoes.

If only I would cut the rope.

I wish I'd know Tom was in hospital.


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