Order the wordsto make questions. then write true answers. 1. you\watch\what\on tv\did\yesterday? 2. go\where\you\to premory school\did? 3. breakfast\have\did\what time\you? 4. travel\how\you\to school\did\today? 5. your best friend\when\you\did\meet? 6. did\do\what\last weekend\you? !

JEJH JEJH    3   03.10.2019 21:50    10

sashaShelsy sashaShelsy  09.10.2020 15:27
1. What did you watch on TV yesterday?
2. Where did you go to premory school?
3. What time did you have breakfast?
4. How did you travel to school today?
5. When did you meet your best friend?
6. What did you do last weekend?
1. I watched on TV interesting film yesterday.
2. I went to premory school number 45.
3. I had breakfast at 7 o'clock.
4. I traveled to school by car today.
5. I met my best friend in kindergarten.
6. I visited my grandparents last weekend.
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