Опять Заранее правило subject + passive verb + infinitive, передайте мысли других людей.Полностью предложением.
1. People believe that The Russian are very kind people.
2. A lot of people think that the British talk about football all the time.
3. Some of my friends believe that the Scots are very serious people.
Допишите предложение, используя правило tag-questions.
1. It doesn't look scary, ...?
2. It is beautiful, ...?
3. They are going to play the piano, ...?
4. They don't give flowers to a man, ...?
5. Christmas is celebrated in the USA, ... ?​

kristinazmataeva kristinazmataeva    3   20.05.2020 09:30    5

danilatnt danilatnt  20.05.2020 20:30



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