Определите время глагола (каждого предложения) stonehenge is britain's greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery and power. its original purpose is unclear to us, but some a temple; others think that it was an astronomical obşervat stonchenge was built before metal began to be used in britain. we know from animal bones that the people who constructed stonehenge had cattle and grew crops, gathered wild plants and hunted wild animals. the question of who built stonchenge is unanswered even today. in the early medieval" period, writers thought they knew who had built stonehen- ge merlin. in 1620, an architect inigo jones thought it was based on classical geometry and constructed by the romans. john aubrey, an antiquary. thought that the druids were the builders of stonehenge. towards the end of the 20th century, archeologists' began to realize that stonehenge people thin that it was rvato could be much older situated in a vast plain", the stonehenge site is impressive. some people see it as a place of magic and mystery, some as a sacred place. whatever its original purpose was, it should be treated as the ancient treated it, place of honour

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AntonBobko AntonBobko  10.06.2020 14:58

1)Present simple 2)Present simple 3)Present simple with elements of past simple 4)Past simple 5)Past simple 6)Past simple 7)Past simple 8)Past simple 9)Present simple 10)Past simple