Определите временную форму.
1. Sometimes he meets her near the school.
2. Yesterday he read this article in the newspaper.
3. They often work in the garden.
4. She will write a letter next week.
5. I didn’t translate the text yesterday.
6. He lost his dog last week.
7. They don’t often play computer games.
8. They won’t find that book tomorrow.
9. Will they come to us next year?
10.Do you always bring textbooks?
11.Does he often help his mother?
12.We bought magazines a week ago?
2. Перепишите предложения без ошибок.
1. He buy a fridge next month.
2. Last Sunday she spend much time in the swimming pool.
3. My sister did not sent that letter yesterday.
4. I seldom writes letters.
5. They will meet tomorrow him at the station.
6. These books doesn’t usually cost much.
7. As a rule he very well translates texts.
8. Do your brother get good marks?
9. How many years ago did they left this town?
10.In a week she will brought me this book.
3.Вставьте модальный глагол в правильной форме или его эквивалент.
Переведите предложения.
1. You enter the club without a card.
2. They won’t to drive a car until they are 18.
3. When she was a baby, she only cry.
4. You walk on the grass!
5. Once or twice we lost our way and ask a policeman for directions.
4.Составьте предложения.
1. Always, she, walks, this park, in.
2. I, watch TV, will, in 2 hours.
3. Often, you, do, sing, songs?
4. This book, so much, didn’t, 2 years ago, cost.
5. You, run, not, must, while, the ball, holding.
6. You, come, don’t, home, early, have to.

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