Определите тип придаточного предложения. 1. she is reading a newspaper which i advised her to buy 2. i will cook the dinner while you are shopping 3. if the weather is rainy tomorrow we will have to stay in town. 4. do you remember the time when we were happy together? 5. the teacher you want to speak to is out now. 6. the place where i was born is a big city now. 7. what will you do when you are 18? 8. what will you do after you graduate from the university.

zuzin77 zuzin77    3   01.07.2019 20:00    2

Lina300333 Lina300333  26.07.2020 07:25
1 определительное 2 обстоятельство времени 3 обстоятельство условия 4 обстоятельства времени 5 определительное 6  обстоятельство места 7 обстоятельство времени 8  обстоятельство времени
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