Определите инфинитивы в каждом предложении и их ФУНКЦИИ 1. То design, construct and operate a laser system is a great technological achievement.
2. To protect the water resources, forests and atmosphere several laws were passed in Russia in the 1970's.
3. A very interesting problem is to produce a practically limitless source'of energy.
4. There are projects to use lasers for long distance communication.
5. Automation makes it possible to obtain and develop new sources of energy.
6. To combine laser and thermonuclear reaction is a very interesting problem for the scientists in many countries.
7. To conduct physical experiments with laser beams Russian physicists have developed large laser installations.
8. Some Western experts consider that it is practically impossible to protect big cities from pollution.
9. Lasers to be placed on Earth satellites will transform solar radiation into laser beams.
10. A special design bureau in St. Petersburg was the first in the world to develop production of superlong escalators.
11. To put some projects with lasers in operation great technological difficulties must be overcome.
12. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is to lighten the aircraft by using new composite materials.
13. Signals to be measured must be strong enough.

maksimkakravchenko maksimkakravchenko    3   21.11.2021 22:02    31

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