Определите функции Participle I and Participle II в предложении. (никак не могу понять эту тему.) State the function of Participle I and Participle II.
1. There was a tiny smile playing about the corners of his mouth.
2. He had a beautiful old house and being a man of taste he had furnished it admirably.
3. Manuel went in, carrying his suit-case.
4. While pondering this problem, I sat in the dormitory window-seat.
5. She recrossed her legs comfortably, as though preparing for a long session on the sofa.
6. All the country near him was broken and wooded.
7. If left to myself, I should infallibly have let this chance slip.
8. He looked at her for a moment as if amazed at her friendliness.
9. Displeased and uncertain Brande gazed from his son to the Spanish gardener.
10. As directed, I took the lead almost happily.