Определить все ли из представленных примеров являются метафорами? 1. graves moves up the steps of the now-ruined building. he examines the destruction, curious, alert. graves alone looks interested. 2. … this great city sparkles with the jewels of man’s invention! movie theatres, automobiles, the wireless, electric lights – all dazzle and bewitch us! 3. a typewriter folds itself into an origami rat. two rats collide and fight, tearing each other apart. 4. the room shakes heavily 5. the busy street 6. apartment is enlivened by workaday magic? 7. a clothes horse revolves clumsily on its wooden legs in front of the fire, drying an assortment of underwear. 8. she runs her wand up the dummy and the dress runs magically up her body. 9. ingredients come floating out of cupboards 10. dishes, assorted cutlery and glasses come flying out, setting themselves on the table with a little prodding from tina’s wand. 11. hope flickering across his face (надежда мерцает на его лице) 12. the human contact seems to both startle and captivate 13. you are the key – i saw this. 14. you're sweet.