Определить видовременные формы глаголов и их инфинитив they often discuss their business matters with clients. some branches of business will develop fast in the sphere of international cooperation. we were in canada last week and we purchased some new equipment there.now we have brought it to russia. the lawyer had given me investment advice before i asked him about it. witnesses for the defense are giving their evidence now.

xeniapopsoip00ty7 xeniapopsoip00ty7    1   09.06.2019 07:10    7

tihomir72 tihomir72  01.10.2020 22:54
1. discuss - Present Simple (простое настоящее), инфинитив - to discuss
2. will develop - Future Simple (простое будущее), инфинитив - to develop
3. were - Past Simple (простое инфинитив - to be
purchased - Past Simple (простое инфинитив - to purchase
have brought - Present Perfect (настоящее совершенное), инфинитив - to bring
совершенное), инфинитив - to give
asked - Past Simple (простое инфинитив - to ask
5.  are giving - Present Continuous (простое продолженное), инфинитив - to give
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