Определить грамматическое время 1. She gave the impression that she was deciding to change her course of action and to get in touch with Miss Tant. —
2. Nobody could consider O gden Street very attractive but her words always had a powerful effect upon me. —
3. Jo opened her lips to say something rude, but checked herself to a certain extent. —
4. ^ t last he attained a desired end. —
5. Her only reply to this absurd protest was a little peal of laughter. —
6. He vigorously uttered his point of view: "My dear young lady, I don't believe you can read a map."
7. He has constant headaches. —
8. M ajor Dunker doesn't think that poetry interests or suits him. —
9. His reaction to W alter's rem ark was very am using. —
10. Professor Dulwick's lectures always produce a great im pression upon his audience. —
11. The object has a resem blance to a lopsided vase. —
12. Mrs. O akroyd says she has some trouble with her children. —
13. Louisa always acted as Nelly wanted, the latter had great power over her. —
14. Hard workers always have success. —
15. The effect of his speech on the audience was quite unexpected. —
16. Perhaps curiosity m ight have conquered resentm ent to a certain extent. —
17. He replied simply but with great dignity and his answer left no doubt about his decision. —
18. A committee is to be set up to investigate the effect of television on children. —
19. The group accomplished their purpose. —

stupidgirl3 stupidgirl3    1   25.12.2020 19:37    13

Diko056 Diko056  24.01.2021 19:42

1.Past Continous

2.Past Perfect

3.Past Simple

4.Past Simple

5.Past Simple

6.Present Simple

7.Present Perfect

8.Past Simple

9.Present Simple

10.Present Simple

11.Present Perfect

12.Present Simple

13.Past Simple

14.Present Simple

15.Past Simple

16.Present Perfect

17.Past Simple

18.Present Perfect

19.Past Simple


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