Опишите профессию врача , учителя,дизайнера в 2-3х предложениях.на

musulmanka95 musulmanka95    3   20.09.2019 06:40    0

nastyasiminyuk nastyasiminyuk  16.08.2020 19:18
Вот доктор: The doctor is very important profession. He (she) can save lives.
kareta2004 kareta2004  16.08.2020 19:18
the profession of a doctor is very important for society. doctor treats people.profession doctor is a very respected and respected profession
Это про врача

the teacher's task is to teach people knowledge. The teacher must pass the experience through a textbook, etc. The teacher is also very important profession.
Это про учителя

The designer must create new costumes. The designer can be a person who can make a combination and has a taste. The designer is also a very important profession.
Это про дизайнера
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