Описати типового українського підлітка на англ.мові. 10-12 речень, використовуючи наступні запитання: 1. Do you have a lot of problems? How do you try to solve them?
2. Do you ask anybody for advice? Do you talk about your problems with other people?
3. What kinds of problems do your classmates usually have?
4. Have you ever solved somebody else's problem?
5. Have you ever written to an advice column? Do you often read the advice columns in magazines? What can you learn from the answers? Are all problems of equal importance? 6. In what way are today's young Ukrainians different from those of the same age six or seven years old.

ankreinas ankreinas    3   30.05.2023 07:48    1

pashapasha12345 pashapasha12345  30.05.2023 07:49

1. Yes, I have some problems like school assignments, peer pressure, and family issues. To solve them, I usually try to break them down into smaller tasks and tackle them one by one. I also seek help from my parents, teachers, or friends when needed

2. Yes, I do ask for advice from my parents, older siblings, or trusted friends. Talking about my problems with others helps me gain different perspectives and insights, and sometimes they can offer solutions or support.

3. My classmates often face problems related to school, such as difficulty in understanding certain subjects, managing their time, or dealing with exams and homework. They also experience social challenges like fitting in, conflicts with peers, or navigating friendships and relationships.

4. Yes, there have been instances where I have helped my friends or classmates solve their problems. Sometimes they approach me for advice, and together we brainstorm possible solutions and support each other in finding the best course of action.

5. I haven't written to an advice column myself, but I do occasionally read the advice columns in magazines. The answers provided in those columns can offer valuable insights, alternative perspectives, and suggestions for dealing with various issues. However, not all problems discussed in advice columns are of equal importance, so it's important to consider the context and relevance to my own life.

Today's young Ukrainians, compared to those of the same age six or seven years ago, are more exposed to technology and social media. They are more digitally connected, have access to a vast amount of information, and rely on technology for communication and entertainment. Additionally, young Ukrainians today are more aware of global issues, have a greater emphasis on personal growth and development, and are more proactive in pursuing their passions and interests.

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